If there’s one thing that both CBD and THC have in common, it would be the endocannabinoid system. This is because both of them are cannabinoids, which means they act on different receptors within the ECS. This is the reason why they influence our bodies in different ways. But still, it cannot be denied that CBD and THC are very similar, although they’re also different at the same time. There’s one thing about both of these compounds that you should know: Marijuana actually has more than just the two cannabinoids that I mentioned earlier. For instance, there’s tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), cannabinol (CBN), cannabigerol, etc. So if you think about it, CBD and THC are not the only cannabinoids in marijuana. There are also at least 481 other types of cannabinoids, which means that there is still plenty to learn about. But now, let’s move on to the main topic.

CBD VS THC: Which one is Safer

People often ask if CBD is better than THC or vice versa. The question is pretty difficult to answer because both of these cannabinoids have different effects on our bodies and minds (and they can even work together). But what I can say is that CBD and THC are both safe when taken in the right amounts. However, there’s no harm in using both of them together (the entourage effect). That would actually increase their benefits and make it work better for you. Besides, if you want to stay on the safe side, use CBD oil. It has a good safety profile and it’s considered to be non-toxic. However, if you’re not sure about what product to use, I suggest that you go with the CBD oil either way.

CBD VS THC: Which one is (generally) better for you?

Now that we’ve already established that both CBD and THC are safe, let’s move on to the next question. So which one is better for you? Well, it really depends on your condition. For instance, if you want something that will make you feel relaxed and euphoric, then go for THC-dominant strains. But keep in mind that this compound has psychoactive effects so it’s not suitable for people who work or drive. On the other hand, CBD is a great option if you want relief from pain and inflammation. This cannabinoid doesn’t have psychoactive effects so it’s best for daytime use.

CBD VS THC: Which one to Use When You Have Migraines

Now that we know what CBD and THC do, let’s move on to the next question. For those of you who ask this one, I suggest that you use CBD (ideally with a little THC). Why? Because it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties so it can help reduce your migraine symptoms without making you high or sleepy. But if the pain is very bad, then go ahead and use THC-dominant strains.

CBD VS THC: Which one to Use When You Have Seizures

Are you using CBD because of seizures? Then I suggest that you continue doing so as it has been proven to be effective against epilepsy. However, if the problem is really bad then go ahead, don’t hesitate, and use THC because it can help reduce the number of seizures.

CBD VS THC: Which one to Use When You Have Cancer

Now, this is a tricky question but before I answer, let me make it clear that both CBD and THC have been found to be effective against cancer. However, they work in different ways. So if you want something that will reduce your tumor size, then go with CBD. But if you want something that can stop cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body, then go with THC (this cannabinoid also has anti-inflammatory properties). Still, there’s one more thing that I should mention. THC is psychoactive so it may make you feel high and this could be bad for you if you have to deal with a lot of pain.

CBD VS THC: Which one to Use When You Have Alzheimer’s Disease

Now, I know that this is a serious question but just like the previous ones, it depends on your condition. If you want something that will ease your pain and improve your mood, then go with CBD. But if you want something that will slow down the progression of your Alzheimer’s disease then go ahead and use THC (this cannabinoid is highly effective against this condition). I should also add that THC can help reduce inflammation in your brain which may protect it from further damage caused by Alzheimer’s.

The Best CBD Products

Below you’ll find the best products to buy CBD products from. These three brands have a proven track record and excellent customer service. I’d love for you to take a moment to review each of the below brands and use our full guide of CBD vs THC to determine which product makes sense for you.

Verma Farms CBD Oil

Verma Farms CBD is a bundle of our five favorite flavors so you can try them all! We offer an array of tropical fruit flavors including Mango, Peach, Strawberry, Pineapple, and Watermelon. All of their products are made from premium ingredients sourced from the US soil and hemp seed oil derived from unadulterated plant material that’s grown in America.

Penguin CBD Capsules

Penguin CBD capsules are an all-natural way to access the therapeutic potentials of CBD. Each capsule contains 25mg of our broad-spectrum hemp extract suspended in MCT oil, so it can be taken anywhere with ease. Unlike other cannabinoids, CBD doesn’t produce any psychoactive effect and instead offers relief for your body without making you feel out of control or drowsy. Taken as directed, this supplement allows users to harness their endocannabinoid system (ECS) – a network that spans through many areas across the body and works closely with them on important processes like immune function and pain perception moderation.

R&R Medicinals

R+R tinctures are certified by the US Hemp Authority, which means that you can have peace of mind knowing your tincture was rigorously inspected for safety before it ever reached your hands. This is one of several quality certifications this medical company has achieved to show their dedication to providing nothing but the best medicinal hemp products out there! Hopefully, this article has helped you to understand what CBD is and how it differs from THC. CBD is an all-natural, medicinal plant that’s non-psychoactive. THC is the part of the cannabis plant that produces a psychoactive effect.