Check out the latest episode of the Techathlon podcast!

On this week’s episode of the podcast, we dig into some of the social media rules you might not even know you’re breaking and find out about some digital items from video games that are probably worth more than your actual house. And of course, the Techathlon Decathlon tests your knowledge of recent technology news. Check it out in the player above, subscribe on iTunes, add us on Stitcher, follow on Anchor, or find us wherever quality podcasts reside. Also be sure to join us on Twitter.

Fun at the New York International Auto Show

New and exotic cars are always good for gawking purposes. You can check out the notable new models here, and then peruse this gallery of beautiful car engines that were on-display.

Instagram may hide ‘like’ counts from your photos

I personally love getting likes on my Instagram photos. They validate me as a person, which I know makes me pathetic, but I’ve come to terms with it. However, Instagram is reportedly testing a feature that would hide “like” counts on photos to help people kick the addiction to those little hearts.

Ransomware took down the Weather Channel for a while

If you were hoping to see some live weather coverage this morning, hackers may have ruined your day. A reported ransomware attack prevented the Weather Channel from broadcasting its live content to viewers.

Soylent made Mini-Meal bars and everyone got mad

You may remember Soylent as the company who wanted to replace regular food with a semi-nutritious sludge that tech enthusiasts would enjoy. Now, the company has introduced various Soylent Squared, which are little bricks of gel that look like PowerBars and contain 100 calories as well as other nutrients. They don’t look very appetizing, but if you’re eating the engineering student diet of Flintstones vitamins mixed into cooked Ramen noodles, maybe it’s an upgrade. Flavors include pink, yellow, and brown.

Facebook may soon have its own Alexa

Here’s the Boston Dynamics Spot robots pulling the truck

By now, I know you’ll pretty much watch any video of the Spot robot from Boston Dynamics. It works on me, too. They’re always equal parts eerie and interesting. In this video, a team of Spots work together to pull a truck. It’s impressive and I totally put it way down here so you had to scroll through the rest of the stories. See you next week!