THeMIS boasts a top speed of almost 22 mph. It is is 6.5 feet n length, and just under 3 feet in height. This lets it keep a much lower profile than human soldiers. It weighs 1,500 pounds, and can carry a 1,500-pound payload on top of that. The “hybrid” part of the name comes from THeMIS’s diesel-electric engine and battery. It can run on just electrical power, or it can use gas and battery for up to 8 hours straight. It’s also modular, so the same robot body can carry cargo, use a robot explosive ordnance disposal arm, or just carry a big freaking gun. Other options, advertised in a colorful pinwheel of options, list it as a drone launcher, an anti-tank missile launcher, a firefighting tool, a stretcher carrier for medevac, and a communication relay, among others. An unmanned ground vehicle, it can be remotely piloted, has “follow mode” where it travels behind a specific person, or be somewhat autonomous. Watch it below: