Sixty years ago NACA (the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) officially became NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and the early days of the space race began. The Apollo program launched a few years later in 1961. It’s purpose: get a human being to the moon and bring them back home safely. These missions to the moon meant innumerable advances for the scientific community—and also some incredible imagery. Bill Anders ‘Earthrise’ photograph, which was snapped during Apollo 8, became one of the most iconic images ever taken, but there are plenty of other awe-inspiring images that were taken during these trips. The Project Apollo Archive collects them all in one place and features images taken during all eleven of the manned-Apollo missions. The archive is extensive and includes a lot of images that would now be considered throwaway frames. A number of them are underexposed and out of focus, but if you are willing to dig you can find some incredible vintage shots from space—like the frames where you can see modified Hasselblad cameras strapped to the chests of astronauts. Below, our favorite frames.